Free Functional Skills Maths and English Level 2 Courses

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Team November 8, 2022

When trying to find high-quality and up-to-date revision resources, many find this a challenge. So we have dedicated our blogs to ensure that you are fully informed about the may different excellent revision materials available to you. Many are free!


One particularly excellent free resource would be the Functional Skills Maths and English Level 2 Online Course. Which is an online course that is available to those who meet the eligibility criteria. This can be done through the online form accessed by the link below:


Free Functional Skills Maths and English Level 2 Online Course


Once the online application has been completed and you have been accepted. It will be time to get started on your revision journey. To begin with, we would recommend planning how you will be using the online course. Ensuring you will bet the most out of it. As the course is 50 hours, we would recommend taking the full course in 2 months. If you are limited in time, then we would recommend first using the free Diagnostic Assessment first to assess your knowledge. Then just use the online course to revise the weak areas identified by the assessment. 


So overall, the online course is an excellent resource, following the curriculum to give you a thorough idea of what to expect from the exam.

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Online Exams Team

We help thousands of students each year with revision, courses and online exams.