GCSE Equivalency Test
The A Star GCSE Equivalency Test and Course are designed to assist learners in fulfilling the prerequisites for their training programs in professions such as teaching and nursing.
Lowest Cost Guaranteed
Used for Access into: Teacher Training, Nursing and Other Courses
New Course for 23-24: Revision materials & Tutorials
For Questions & Support Call 020 3488 0960

Are Equivalency tests easier than GCSE?
The Equivalency exams are roughly the same difficulty as the official GCSEs, this is because we have a professional team of teachers, content creators and University graduates working on making these exams as realistic as possible.
What is an Equivalency test?
An Equivalency test is equivalent to a GCSE level exam. Equivalency tests are only on a few subjects, including English, Maths, Combined Science and Biology.
How long can I expect for my results to come back?
For the Equivalency tests, there are 2 variations of marking you can purchase, there is the default marking which ensures you get your results back within 10 working days, and the Fast Track marking, which means you get your results back within 2 working days. Fast Track must be purchased else you will be put to the default marking. You will find it when you purchase the exam as an addon for £60.
What is GCSE Maths C equivalent to?
As the Equivalencies now follow the numbered grade system like the schools, a grade 4 in a Maths Equivalency is equal to a C grade in a Maths GCSE.